A nice treat that is fatfree is American Marketplace Foods Biscotti Thins,
found at a healthfood store, there are different flavors, the last one I
bought was more licorice flavor this one is cinnamon raisin.
5 cookies 0 fat and 80 calories. Sodium 25 mg, carbohydrates 20g, Sugars 11g,
protein 1 g, calcium 1 percent, iron 5 percent.
I love to dunk them in tea. There is an 800 number for product info.
800-258-8961, says they ship anywhere. These were bought in Clearwater,
Two more treats found recently are: Greenfield chocolate chip blondies which
were too sweet for me and the other Becky's Best Fudge Brownies which are
pretty good. They are not as moist as regular brownies, but they certainly
satisfy the sweet tooth and don't taste sickly sweet. Both of these are
fatfree also. None of the products are vegan.
Of course natural sweets are best but sometimes we get these hankerings and
might as well try and keep it low fat .
I'd like to have some of you share what brand nutritional yeast you are using.
Thanks, Barbara in FL