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new PETA cookbook

Somebody just gave me the new PETA cookbook "Cooking With PETA" and I noticed
that the fatfree archive is listed in their web resources section.  Yea!  The
cookbook looks pretty good, and makes an effort to be lower in fat, including
recipes for fatfree dressings, etc.  The other recipes look to be easily
adaptable.  There is also a list in the back of mail order resources for
veg/vegan foods, some of which have already been mentioned here, but some
which have not.  If anyone is interested, I can post the list of companies.  I
thought it might be useful for those who don't have easy access to good HFSs.
(Unfortunately, they're all in the US, so they wouldn't be of great use to the
people outside the US on the list.)  -Rosemary
