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Re: Stovetop grills, frozen bananas

Re: frozen bananas
When I was the smoothie queen at the local HFS, we froze our bananas on
cookie sheets lined with wax paper.  Peel, cut into ~3 in. pieces and
freeze til solid.  Of course, we had the luxury of as much freezer space
as we needed.  At home, I put them in a huge ziploc after they freeze.

Re: stovetop grills
> >Has anyone used these stove top grills, and do the vegies taste like
> >they do from the oven.
> I've been wondering about those too.  Finally I decided that the stovetop
> grills looked like they were mainly for meat. Anyone beg to differ?
> Noel

I got one of these as a wedding present and tried a bunch of different
things to reach the same conclusion - they were designed for meat.  The
only thing that worked even halfway decent was thinly sliced zucchini
brushed with soy or tamari.  It wasn't worth the space investment and was
rather hard to clean even with the non-stick surface (it scratched very
easily).  I ended up giving it to some non-veg friends who love it.


  Lisa D. Smith
  North Carolina Collection 
  University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  lisa_smith@xxxxxxx                Go HEELS!
