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Re: Am I all alone?

Hi Susannah,

    Nope, you're not alone.  I'm also simi-non-vegetarian (but working
my way towards being a full vegetarian). I also allow fat in my diet,
but keep it under 20% of fat in calories.  I find the recipes and
general information in FatFree to be great and very educational as I
move towards a more healthy lifestyle.  Now, if I could just get rid of
this Never-ending Flu/Cold/Whatever that is plaguing me this winter...

    Lois J

Susannah Kolesar wrote:

>         I'm low fat, not fat-free. I'm not vegetarian and certainly
> not
> vegan. I just try to eat healthy. Am I all alone in this group?
>                 Susannah in Richland, WA, who tries hard to stay
> between 20
> and                 grams of fat per day
