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Dear Cynthia,

Millet should be soft when cooked, like most grains.  I have found that 
2 cups of water is often not enough for one cup of grain.  

The way that I have used millet is in stew, like I use barley. (We call 
it Bird Seed Soup!) Naturally there is a lot more liquid in stew or soup 
than 2 to 1 so I am not sure how much water you would need to cook a cup 
of millet by itself.


Leader of Bcforum, the Internet Breast Cancer Support Group


meetings: Sun, Wed, Fri 8pm EST
  Lymphedema, Mon 8 pm EST
  Alternative Medecine, Tues 8pm EST
  Friends and family encouraged to come Thurs 8pm EST

(with The Faces of Breast Cancer Gallery and
The Bookstore for Support)


