Frances, your question is a good one and your instincts are right--you are
looking for things to pick out: small dirt clods, broken or shriveled
beans, any little thing that doesn't belong there. I've never worried
about this much with lentils or split peas; with larger dried beans you
probably need to look more closely. My mom used to spread them out on a
large tray with a rim so she could see had a sort of
ritual quality :-)
You may find some brands or stores have "dirtier" beans, lentils, etc.
than others. And the prepackaged ones aren't necessarily cleaner than the
ones in the bulk bins.
Victoria Modarresi Dept. of English
vmodrsi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx University of Arizona
(520)621-1836 FAX (520)621-7397 Tucson, AZ 85721