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RE: non-dairy milk

My absolute favorite non-dairy milk is called Whyte's Dary Free.  It is   
not a soy or rice milk but it is fat free and I think it tastes the   
closest to real milk - its great cold just by itself.  Anyway - it tends   
to be a bit expensive so I buy it when its on sale.


 -----Original Message-----
From: fatfree-nd-request [SMTP:fatfree-nd-request@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 1998 8:46 PM
To: fatfree digest
Subject: non-dairy milk

"I was hoping you all could tell me a brand name for your favorite non
diary milk?"

Hi!  I've tried quite a few non-dairy milks and my favorite (in fact, I
prefer it to "real" milk) is EdenSoy Extra - vanilla flavor.  It's   
and very healtthy too, with as much calcium and maybe more vitamins and
minerals than regular milk - tastes creamy too, which I love.  Delicious   
cereal...yummy : )     Take care of yourself and good luck!   
