I made a more or less salsa bread. I can never follow instructions :(
What came out was delicious.
1 small onion cut small
fill 2 cups with the onion plus tomatoes cut very small
1 chile cut small
(the above supposedly made salsa)
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup sourdough starter
1 tablespoon yeast
1 cup water (this turned out to be too much due to the
water in the tomato, therefore I added more flour)
everything in the breadbaker, and the results were magnificent
I never add salt or oil to my breads.
Happy 1998
take care
Jenka Keizer-Guevara The University of Alabama
jguevara@xxxxxxxxxxx Instructional Technology
http://ua1vm.ua.edu/~jkeizer3/ Doctoral Candidate