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Nutrition information software

Hi everyone

I am really enjoying this digest and must admit that Tony's ice cream is devine.
It has stopped my cravings for normal ice-cream.  Thank you :-)

I have a quick question for all you experts out there.  What is the best
cheap (I'm a poor student :-) software package available that will let me
enter a recipe and enter new ingredients and in return calculate nutritional 
data for me?  One with a good database of standard ingredients such as vanilla
essence would be handy.  I live in NZ so brand names aren't as important.

Thanks a lot for your help :-)  Have a great day everyone :-)  

Phil :-)


Philippa Martin BE (HONS)
PhD Student,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University of Canterbury, 
Private Bag 4800,
Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND.

Phone: wk. [64](3) 364-2987 extn 7034 
       hm. [64](3) 359-5814

e-mail: martinpa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

