I need suggestions--I'm getting married Mar. 21, at a relatively informal
outdoor wedding in a park, followed by a semi-potluck picnic, and various
folks are asking what they can bring. I must be getting a little
brain-fried, trying to pull the wedding together, and teach, and work on
my dissertation, because whatever usual creativity I have seems to be
deserting me.
The wedding is at 11 a.m., and since this is Tucson and temperatures are
in the 70s here it will be at least that warm in less than 3 weeks
(yikes!). We have a couple of coolers, and so will some of the guests, I
think, but stuff may have to sit at an hour between arrival and serving
time (you know, so we can have the ceremony :-)! We (Joe & I) are mostly
vegetarian, but not all our guests will be, but we do want to keep things
light and healthy as possible.
So far we're having:
Cake (of course)
veg tray with dip (from the deli)
baba ghanoush w/ pita
bagels w/ various spreads
spinach salad
couscous salad with oranges, raisins, & garbanzos
for drinks, a cooler of sodas on ice, iced tea (no alcohol--it's not
allowed in the park)--have access to a punch bowl but I'm not sure people
would prefer that enough to go to the trouble
For example, my aunt and uncle are driving down from Scottsdale (over 100
miles) and want to bring something--and I want them to, but want it to be
something transportable--
If you have suggestions that aren't allowable on this list, please send
them to me privately. I will be SO grateful!
Victoria Modarresi Dept. of English
vmodrsi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx University of Arizona
(520)621-1836 FAX (520)621-7397 Tucson, AZ 85721