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Asian grocery- dried shitake ?

I too recently visited my local asian grocery, Ranch 99.
Well, I saw a huge bag labeled "dried mushrooms" for about $3.00.
I think it weighed 3 ounces., which is a lot of mushrooms, when dried.

They looked just like dried shitakes to me, but there was no info
explaining what kind of mushroom. I saw dried shitakes before
that were about $3.00 for one ounce.  What kind of mushrooms
do you think these are?

I soaked some in warm water and added to soup. They tasted pretty good,
maybe not quite as flavorful as I'd remembered dried shitake.
I'm thinking that shitakes are really overpriced usually, and maybe
I can save a lot of $$ getting them from the asian grocery if that's
indeed what they are.

 Anyone who might be able to clarify, please give me your insights.
I am trying to eat more shitake because of their reported health benefits
(which I read about in a  Natural Health magazine article about 6 months

thanks in advance!    Kelly Carney
