Linda and all my other canucks -
I'm in Toronto and have just moved from Ottawa - I visited Montreal many
times, but have never shopped for cooking supplies <g>.
I'm not really into fat-free products, at least not those that are not
naturally fat free.... About the only product I buy that calls itself
fat-free is yogurt. Most brand here, though, use gelatin as a thickener.
Some of my sources for vegetarian products:
Bulk Barn - chain that sells cooking supplies & candy in bulk - you can get
TVP, nutritional yeast, non-dairy "cheese", meatless burgers, etc. There
are many in Toronto, one in Ottawa, I'm not sure about Montreal.
(Torontonians: the BB in the Pickering Super Centre carries the best
Large Grocery Chains - At least the ones in southern and eastern Ontario -
Nature's Impulse brand of grains, TVP, Veggie Chili, Yeast, Couscous, etc.
These are found in the produce section, near the bulk food or in the grain
aisle. They are often in their own display. These stores often carry
Fantastic Foods products, too, in the international food or rice aisles.
President's Choice line of products have also made a big push in new
products from their "Too good to be True" line. They have a frozen Mexican
casserole product that even contains rennet-free cheese. Watch out for the
PC vegetable appetizers - they contain demi glace. Be sure to check out
their dry soups in a cup products, too.
Mom-n-pop health food stores - I've found that the big chains of HFS aren't
interested in carrying veggie products, just vitamins and body building
products. I just visited a HFS in a very small town near Branford Ontario
that carries TVP, many yeasts, veggie mixes, all kinds products. They
offered to order anything I wanted - much more helpful than the big chains.
Yves ( fat free, all vegetable products - found in many
groceries, in the produce section - burgers, both hamburger-like and veggie
patty, "pepperoni", "bacon", ground "meat", etc. I like the "pepperoni" the
best - I put it on pizza and sandwiches.
Having said all that, I still make trips to Buffalo to pick up "sausage"
crumbles and other non/low -fat products at Meijers or some other grocery in
the States. I have written Yves to ask them about their plans for more
products, but have not heard back.
I have ordered products from Dixie, but by the time you add on shipping,
duties, and GST, it doesn't really make it worth it.
Does anyone have other Canadian sources for the types of things we discuss
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