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Yves Veggie Ground and Family-sized Portion

Just a note about Yves Veggie Ground.  I love it!  Here it is available
in Overwatea or Save On Foods stores and at Real Canadian Superstores. 
It comes in a regular flavour that tastes "B**fy" I guess and an Italian
flavour that has spices in it that would lend itself to Italian type
dishes.  I use it in place of ground b**f in spaghetti sauce , chilli,
lasagne, shepherds' pie, soups, etc.  My kids can't tell the difference
which is the big selling point for me - no complaints or whining at
dinner time is worth the added expense of this product in my life.  To
make meatballs however you need to mix it with a binding agent such as
eggwhite etc. then I found the best way to cook the critters without
them falling apart was to bake them for 25 minutes at 375 in the oven. 
Regarding Gloriamarie who was concerned about the family sized recipes
and not wanting to eat the same thing over and over again-divide into
single serving sizes and freeze them.  This not only will save time
after work but will save you money.  If you buy in bulk and cook in
larger portions you will not only save on the ingredients but on the
electricity/gas, etc.  If you do not have a freezer it might be worth
the initial expense to buy one second hand.  Believe me, 3 kids and one
income I know all about pennypinching and my freezer is where I save
most of the money in my household.  Well, that and having absolutely no

Joanne in Vancouver
