-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Boxel <boxel@xxxxxx>
Aan: mary portinga <ronport@xxxxxxxxx>; Hadass Eviatar
<eviatar@xxxxxxxxxx>; fatfree fatfree <fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx>; mc
Macdougall <mcdougall@xxxxxxxx>
Datum: woensdag 13 mei 1998 8:53
Onderwerp: Jacqueline and Myrna's Onion Soup
>This time not a Surinamese recipe, but one I cooked already in the
>Netherlands and during the time living in Surinam I quit the cheese
>and french bread aand added fresh hot red pepper. The original
>is from the French farm kitchen.
>As in this country from time to time onions and patatoes are
>cooking this soup gives a luxury meal!
>Jacqueline and Myrna's Onion Soup
>2 lbs onions - cut in smal pieces
>4 -5 gloves of garlic - cut in small pieces
>1 lb tomatoes - cut in small pieces
>2 lbs patatoes - cut in small cubes
>2 red hot peppers
>1/2 gallon water
>bouilloncubes to taste
>black pepper to taste
>1. Simmer the onions yellow (not brown!), add garlic a few
>2. Add tomatoes, simmer another 5 minutes
>3. Add patatoes, simmer a few minutes
>4. Add water and peppers and cook for half an hour
>5. Taste and add cubes
>6. Take about half of the onions and potatoes out of the pot and
>blend these.
>7. Put back in the pot and let the soup thicken a bit.
>8. Taste again and add black pepper tot taste
>Serve with (rye) bread and the cut (with fork and knife! - remove
>seeds) hot pepper.
>Optional: put the soup in cups, put french bread on top, put some ff
>cheese on it and grill to brown.
>Have a good meal!