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request for (private) comments.

Hello folks,

I've recently been dreaming up my "ideal" power foods mailing list.
And I have a start on the design at:

It is intended to be a low volume, very low noise level, flame free,
moderated mailing list featuring mostly recipes on the following
theme: low sugar, low fat, low processed grain vegan + fish and
seafood and meat stocks with particular emphasis on very high
nutrition foods (see the above url for a more complete description).

Anyone who thinks they might be interested in such a list, please, at
your convenience, take a look at the above URL and send me your
comments privately to artemis@xxxxxxxxx

I am particularly seeking input on the following:

1. Are there any other easily defined categories other than [vegan]
and [vlf] that you would find helpful in determining if a recipe would
be of interest to you and your particulary dietary needs and

2. I'm considering having the topic of posts categorized.  Recipes
will be the focus and recipe posts should be headed with subjects like
"Recipes: Recipe title".  Would it be at all helpful to have
discussion categorized, such as "Recipe request: looking for roasted
red pepper recipes" or "Power Food Cooking: beans in the pressure
cooker"?  If so, what types of categories might be useful?  right now,
I am thinking of two: "recipe request" for new recipe requests and
recipe clarifications and "power food cooking" for questions about
obtaining and preparing foods in the powerfood categories.  General
discussion might be limited to these two areas.

Anyway, these are just my initial thoughts on what I'd like a power
foods list to be like.  All comments to artemis@xxxxxxxxxxx are
welcome and will be read and considered, though I may not be able to
respond personally to you. (and, naturally, I will not be able or
willing to incorporate all suggestions, but they are welcome).

If I decide to do a powerfoods list, it will not change FATFREE in any
way.  The Fatfree Vegetarian Mailing list has reached a static state
in terms of its focus and design and I will continue it as is.

Thanks for your time,

Michelle Dick       artemis@xxxxxxxxx       East Palo Alto, CA
          Owner, FATFREE Vegetarian Mailing List
