> Umeboshi vinegar is made from salted plums. It is available
> in health
> food stores or oriental markets.
> Johanna
> Johanna,
> How did you know I was going to ask what that was? =-) Thank
> you now if
> I can just remember the name until I get to the health food store
I missed the first part of this thread, but if you've never tried
umeboshi vinegar before, a word to the wise...be very stingy when you
sprinkle. This is a very salty vinegar, and doesn't taste like apple
cider vinegar and the like.
The plums are delicious, although also salty. I like to break up the
plums in soups -- they add a nice color and a light flavor (provided you
only add one or 2 per 5 cups of liquid. According to my macrobiotic
teacher, the pits are good for the type of headache that you get on the
top of your head -- just suck on one until the headache disappears.