I got a cast-iron pot as a gift, and I'm trying
to figure out if I want to keep it or not.
If you use cast-iron cookware, please let me know
why you like/dislike it. What do you cook in it?
I don't have a clue.
Hi Gloria:
I have cast iron that is over 60yr. from my mother and also bought my own
set too. I was raised on it and today they are pre-seasoned. I wouldn't be
without mine. Soups, pot roasts, and many other things take on a taste that
only comes from cast iron. I've tried stainless steel, cast aluminum and even
the Visions but for certain things, I will only use my cast iron. It's a
personal preference and if you choose to try them, you may like them. Also
being cast iron, it is more benficial to your health as well since we all
need more iron in our bodies. This has been proven many times.
Good Luck.