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thank you for the "egg-ceptional" recipes

hello everyone!  thank you for sending me all the "egg-ceptional" yolk
free "un-deviled egg filling" recipes!

i never dreamed that there would be so many and that the responses would

be as well.  i plan on trying each and every recipe as they are somewhat


just in time for the easter bunny and his lovely bonanza of eggs....all
of our markets are practically giving away dozens of eggs.   for years
now we have forgone the pleasure of having a "traditional" deviled egg
but NOT NOW.  thanks to ALL of you and your ingenious and creative
approach to this age old question....chicken or the egg....we can NOW
enjoy the yolk less egg fillings while others at our table also devour
the traditional ones.  i will bet that we can even get some converts to
"our side" when they taste the beauties that i plan on whipping up for
easter dinner.  must get hoppin....down the bunny trail....and start
fixing those guilt-free "un-deviled" eggs!  that's no "yolk"!

thanks again for helping us with this egg-xtra "weighty" recipe
request.  none of us will have "egg on our faces" on this one.
have a splendid easter and may the angels always be with you!
nancy  }i{
?it is only with the heart that one
can see rightly; what is essential
is invisible to the eye...?
     antoine de saint-exupery
?angels be with you always? }i{

?it is only with the heart that one
can see rightly; what is essential
is invisible to the eye...?
     antoine de saint-exupery
?angels be with you always? }i{