If you're lucky enough to have a Trader Joe's nearby, run, (don't walk!,) to
the store.
Pick up a brownie mix called No Pudge Brownies. You mix them with yogurt
(either plain or vanilla - I love vanilla) and bake them.
They are absolutely delicious, the texture is fantastic, and they are
SAD-fooling! My obese in-laws, right down to their fat kids, scarfed down
two batches in no time.
I have four packages sitting on my counter for my chocolate cravings. You
will be amazed. Here's the info:
Prepared Brownie:
Calories 100
From Fat 0
Sodium 4%
Carbs 7%
Fiber 3%
Sugars 13g
Protein 3g
Anything else not listed is because it's 0.
They're made by a person called Lindsay Frucci, self-proclaimed Brownieholic
& Founder. <S>
Why reinvent the wheel when this woman's done it!