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From: Kathleen <schuller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Mini crockpot
Sometime ago did someone on this list mention that they put the grains for
their morning cereal in a mini crockpot at night and then wake up to hot

I use my 1-quart crockpot almost everyday. I take soup out of the
refrigerator and put it in the crockpot about 8 AM and it's ready for
eating anytime after noon. Whenever we get home we can eat and I don't have
keep a pot from burning because I'm trying to heat thick soup in a hurry.
Also, when I have left before my husband gets home, soup is ready and
waiting. I do recommend using a crockpot with a removable liner (they are
so much easier to clean). I have been looking all over for another or for a
2-qt. with a removable liner (to use when we have 2 guests) and have been
unable to find either. If you see either in a chain store, please let me
Patty in AZ