Jacinta and all - I make a simple spinach quiche with 1 pkg frozen
chopped spinach, thawed and squeeze most of the water out (I like to put
the spinach water in a cup and heat it for a warm drink and it gets more
vitamins in me!). Saute in water in a deep fry pan - 1 chopped onion
and garlic if you like it (I sure do!), then add spinach and sautee for
another 2-3 minutes. Add 1 cup egg=beaters and cover, let cook over med
ium heat until set, add spices that you like - salt and peppe, basil and
oregano, optional is a slice or two of FF cheese melted on the top -
this is yummy for brunch or even for dinner.
I also sugges iron fortified breads...good luck. Sometimes moderate
exercise, like a short walk will stimulate the appetite and not make us
anemics too tired! The more you use it the less you lose it for
muscles! blessings, diana in st. louis