That's why I miss Campbell', because they were both nonfat and cheap! The best I have been able to do is to get a baked ramen at an Oriental grocery, where it is only about 75 cents per pack. That is more than Campbell used to be, but it is better than anything at my health food store.
>>> Vincent DiCarlo <vdicarlo@xxxxxxx> 01/27 3:06 PM >>>
I get them at my local food co-op. They are called "Soken" fat free ramen, and at least some kinds are vegetarian. They are distributed by Sokensha Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 883033, San Francisco, California 94188.
If anyone gets in touch with them, I'd be interested in knowing whether it is possible to order it by mail by the case and, if so, how much it costs. They are over $1 a package where I am getting them now, while the fried kind are about $.20!