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Ligher bake.

Dear All,

I have not posted for a while but I have been reading the list and 
keeping up. 

I was in my local supermarket on Tuesday night just looking about 
getting some bits for banana bread when I noticed a new product 
called "lighter bake". It looks like it will only be useful for fruit 
cakes and chewy biscuits but I have not used it yet. I don't know if 
you can get it or something like it in the U.S. but I got this one 
from Tesco's in the U.K.

If anybody has used it please let me know. It is 99.8 % fat free, 
fruit based, non animal and non dairy. On the label it states 
"Butter and Fat replacement". It has dried plumbs in it and some 
other bits. I'm hopping to use it for pastry but I don't think it is 
going to do.
