I have a small Molineaux coffee grinder that I have been using for grinding
flax. Nothing flies out, and it only takes about 7 or 8 seconds to grind a
batch of flax. The best estimate I have found so far (my source is Dr.
Andrew Weil) is that 1 tablespoon of ground flax daily is sufficient.
Don Pattow
-----Original Message-----
From: SAMMIE RUTLEDGE [mailto:RUTLEDGE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 1999 8:08 AM
To: FATFREE@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Coffee grinder for flax seed
I just bought a Salton coffee grinder to grind flax seed. It has a
holding container that slips out.
The problem is that when you grind the flax, bits of the flax fly out
through the opening around the holder and go everywhere.
I tried hold the container up tight but then the grinder won't work.
What is a good grinder to use? How much flax seed does one need