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Lat Night Binging (was: help!!)

Sun, 11 Jul 1999 sarah lynn <sarah_lynn_914@xxxxxxxxx>
>anyone have any advice to stop late night binging??

I used to do that when I moved from small breakfast, medium lunch, large
dinner, to large breakfast, small dinner.

I corrected mainly by having the normal small dinner, than having a pre-sleep
snack, or mini-dinner, using filling types of food, mainly bread.

Also sleep warm as cold burns more energy, which may wake you hungry.

>I am generally fine with my eating until evening hits and then i lose all
>motivation and start to binge.  i am home from college so i am not around a
>whole lot of people and the town is dull so it is hard to get out of the house. 
>any thoughts (or snacks that are really good for you and filling) would be
>greatly appreciated!!!

I find plain wholemeal bread does it for me. You could also try going for a
late night run - burns heaps of energy, and generally creates a desire for
sensible foods or even suppress hunger.

It sounds to me like its habit causing the binge, not a diet problem, but
breaking the habit could take something extreme.

Another technique is to drink water after dinner until stuffed full. This can
suppress the hunger at sleep time, at the expense of waking during the night.
That's okay, because you shouldn't be hungry at that time.

The extreme technique is to not have anything in the house to snack on!
daiajo@xxxxxxxxx	Daiajo Tibdixious	Geek