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chickpeas, roasted

<< Roasted Garbanzo beans are easy..
 From a can, just drain and spread on a cake pan (remember baking cakes?), 
 season if you wish (I like some garlic) and pop into the oven on low heat 
 for a bit (say 30 min)..check them out, you don't want them too dried out 
 but a bit crunchy is nice. >>

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Hi Patty Ann and other new lurkers...you are welcome to lurk as long as 
you wish, but it's much more fun to get into the list and chat with 
us..thats the support game here.
Roasted Garbanzo beans are easy..
 From a can, just drain and spread on a cake pan (remember baking cakes?), 
season if you wish (I like some garlic) and pop into the oven on low heat 
for a bit (say 30 min)..check them out, you don't want them too dried out 
but a bit crunchy is nice.
list owner

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