Hi, all (especially Jennifer),
No bread, huh? I sympathize - good bread is great stuff. It's so great, you
can kind of become enslaved to it! I've been weaning myself slowly off of it
ever since someone shared that bizarre thought with me. And, yes, it does
help you to lose weight because it forces you to look somewhere other than to
food for your comfort! (Unless, of course, you just replace it with a
different food item. <wink>)
Breakfast can be plain fruit (fresh and delicious!) with soy or rice milk, or
cold leftover grains with raisins or something else with sweetened soy or
rice milk (yummy - like rice pudding) or even reheated with juice. My big
replacement for lunch sandwiches became leftovers. Those are easy - just
make too much dinner, deliberately. If you have a microwave available to you
so you don't have to eat it cold, you'll be surprised how many people ask
what's cooking! There are so many great grains around and most of them have
the same old cooking instructions (3 parts water to one part grain, boil and
then simmer 45 minutes) so it's easy to change old dishes to new ones. Eat
your favorite burrito fillings in a bowl instead of a tortilla. Make a salad
out of whatever you like in your sandwich. I even read somewhere to try
replacing grits as a side dish with oatmeal cooked in seasoned broth. I
haven't tried that one, yet. There's polenta, which is ridiculously easy in
a non-stick pan with a coated whisk. And there's always browsing in the
health food store and finding something altogether new.
We're with you, Jennifer - you can make it!!!