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Thanks for everyone who responded.  Unfortunately, I think I am going to
have to be a little more specific in my request.
1) I have narcolepsy- I don't eat rice, pasta, or bananas during the day
because they can make me sleepy

2) I am usually at work, and I don't have a dishwasher (VERY small
apartment) so the less effort the better

3) I am trying soy milk, but I am not quite adventuresome enough yet to
cook with it.  The same goes for grains like buckwheat (which I am not sure
I can eat or not) and etc.... I wouldn't know what to make with these really.

When I submitted the question, I guess I was asking more in the way of help
for main course vegetable entrees and/or salads.  I am supposed to be
eating 5 fruits and 5 vegetables a day.  The fruit part is easy, but I
cannot figure out how to get in all the veggies.

Jennifer J.