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Printing Out Recipes

For Sammie: I don't know how to switch to non-digest format--there may not
be a way to change over now that the website has gone south.  But there's an
easy way to print out recipes.  I highlight the recipe I want to print out,
right-click on the selection and choose "copy", switch over to Word,
right-click again, and choose paste.  I hit the print button, and then pull
down the edit menu and "undo paste".  Boom, clean page ready for the next
recipe.  The digests stay intact in the meantime in my e-mail client.  If
you put all the fatfree messages in a folder of their own, you can also
search the messages fairly efficiently for particular words such as "lentil"
or "soup".

Ruth C. Hoffman    ruth.hoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Language Resources
138 Oak Street
Lake Zurich, IL  60047-1322
Tel: 847.726.1608
Fax: 847.726.1652
URL: http://www.language-resources.com

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes."  --Marcel Proust