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After searching my local stores for the Brownies everyone was talking about
a while ago I was able to find one bag. OH GOD!!! They are that good as well
as easy and FATFREE.
I checked the Internet and was pleased to find I can order them so I will
never again feel left out
I will just bring along my own pan of No Pudge Brownies.  I ordered the
Chocolate Mint I have visions of girl scout cookies floating in my head.
Bet they will be outrageous with a scoop of fatfree Frozen yogurt on them.
No Pudge!  Brownie Mix site: http://www.nopudge.com
TaTa for Now,
Nancy  Adkins
Homepage :  http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/1669/

Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going!"