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Nutlettes and Dixie meat subs, etc.

I put orange juice on my Nuttlettes to give them flavor. I also made a basic cereal recipe using Nuttlettes and oats, with maple syrup and cinnamon as spices.
I LOVE their meat "not" loaf mixes!  I have only tried the Homestyle one, 
but even my non-veggie husband askes me to re-order it when we're out!  It 
does need a little more time than they recommend, and it's definitely 
better the second day, after being refrigerated.
The muffins *MUST NOT* be overcooked, or they absolutely will turn out like 
rubber.  I cook them for the very minimum time directed on the package, 
then let them cool in the pan for a few minutes.  They freeze well, too.  I 
liked the Oatmeal Currant ones the best.
  They do get dry after about three days, though, even if frozen.

The meat anaolgs need to be rehydrated *completely*, using vegetable broth (I love their Onion Flavored broth). Use "too much" water, cook it for twice the time they recommend, then drain or press the stuff (or just put it in if you're making a soup).
If you hadn't guessed, I'm a Dixie Diner fanatic, but I don't work for them 
or anything.  : )
Has anyone tried the dairy-free shake mixes (chocolate, vanilla, and 
lemon)?  Thet's the next thing I want to try.
Viva FatFree!
