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Re: vegetarian question

No, you would not be vegetarian if you only stopped eating red meat - you
would just be a person who doesn't eat red meat : )   The best vegetarian
source of protein is probably soy.  It's available in so many forms: tofu,
tempeh, milk, whole beans (frozen, canned, or toasted ) etc.  It's a
wonder-food!!! Yum! even if you don't like the taste (which probably means
you just found favorite ways to prepare it yet) it easy to hide soy in many
dishes,  There are tons of soy cookbooks and online recipes.  Beans and
whole grains are also wonderful sources of protein and are available in as
many varieties as soy - Not only are these foods good sources of protein but
they are (in addition to vegetables which I'm pretty sure also contain some
protein) are the best things you can give your body for tons of other
reasons!!  Read up - you'll learn so much and have a great time doing it -
think of it as a quest to have the healthiest body that you can
(vegetarianism is good for the environment too which comes back to being
good for you)  Good luck and have fun!

Kristin :)
----- Original Message -----
From: <BluEyez13@xxxxxxx>
To: <fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 3:42 PM
Subject: vegetarian question

> I have a question for all of u awesome fat-free-ers! I am 16 and very
> athletic. I have trouble getting protein (does anyone have any
> and currently eat chicken and salmon. I wnat to go vegetarian (probably
> ovo-lacto) but my parents are worried about my protein intake. So, here is
> question,
> Can I be a vegetarian if I don't eat red meat only? I think it would be
> ovo-lacto-pesco-pollo-vegetarianism which I can't even believe I am
> considering!
> If anyone has any suggestions on how to get more protein (preferably
> or any responses to my question, I would be so extremely grateful! E-mail
> Free of me, BluEyez13@xxxxxxx! :-)