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Everyone Needs to Know This...

I sent an email last week looking for some guidance and suggestions for my
frustrated vegetarian diet.  I was tired of yo-yo weight loss/gain and
needed some help from people who eat like me.  I got so many wonderful and
very thoughtful suggestions and appreciated every one of them.  However,
Christine sent me some information about a plan called 20/30 Fat & Fiber, by
Dr. Gabe Mirkin.  This is what it encourages in a nutshell:

Eat no more than 20 grams of fat per day
Eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day (a fiber counter is included).
Eat lots of legumes, fruits, veggies, and whole grains, like barley.
Eliminate or minimize the use of these foods: anything with white flour in
highly processed foods (especially sugar), meat, etc. 

After reading his book and trying it for just a couple of days, I feel a
major difference. Also, I don't have to feel like I'm depriving myself, but
I feel like I'm eating very healthy.  It's a very fitting way of life for
people on this list...vegetarian/ff. Some of you mentioned plans that you're
on that were way too strict for me, but bottom line we all need to do
whatever works!  I just wanted to share this book and plan with you b/c I
think it makes so much sense and when you get down to it, you're just eating
healthy and wise. 

Orlando, FL