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Re: Restaurants

There is a dish called Shabu Shabu that can be ordered vegetarian.  A crock
of broth, which can be vegetable broth is put on a hot plate and kept hot.
A large bowl of different veggies, tofu and mushrooms...Oh some really
awesome Japanese mushrooms is given you and you take your chop sticks and
cook these veggies in the broth.  A dip is given that is made of soy, a
Japanese citrus sauce, Daikon (Japanese radish) and onions and your palate
will party throughout your meal.

"Let nothing be done through strife or selfish ambition, but in lowliness of
let each esteem others better than himself"
Philippians 2:3
----- Original Message -----
From: Cherrie Jacobsen <glitterophelia@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2000 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: Restaurants

> i'm afraid that any chinese vegetarian dishes i have had have been drowned
> in oil, practically...personally i can not think of any cultural food that
> is fat free...but maybe at chinese or japanese restaurants you can order
> steamed rice and perhaps steamed veggies and some soy sauce or teriyaki
> (does that have oil?) to go with it? and of course there is always
> salad...where i work there are tons of restaurants around us but fatfree
> virtually impossible, unless you simply want salad with no
> dressing....-cherrie
> ......................................................................
> Where to go for lunch while working?  Can anyone make any general
> statements about types of restaurants that may be more healthful (fatfree)
> than others.  For instance, are Chinese vegetarian dishes low fat or
> fatfree?  Is there an ethnic-type that is more healthful?
> Ponderosa and some other restaurants had wonderful salad bars years ago.
> But now they have added so many salads that are pre-prepared (such as cold
> slaw, potatoe salad, etc., with tons of fat) they have displaced many
> vegetables.  Are raw salads the only choice?
> I understand that cooking methods make the difference but is there a
> culture that never cooks with oil?  I don't mean to "knock" any culture
> where do healthful (fatfree) people live?  Perhaps someone would have a
> suggestion about a national chain that caters to low fat or fatfree
> alternatives.  Thanks.
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