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>What about Japanese restaurants?
>I usually get the nori maki (vegan "sushi" rolls).
>Those appear fat free (if you hold the avocado)
>Even with avocado, it is just one little slice.
>I also get suki-aki stirfry which seems to be fat free.
>Veggie curry is good, as is miso soup.
>Most, if not all, Japanese food is cooked to order,
>so you can ask them to make it without oil.

If one is a true strict vegetarian, Asian restaurants can be
tricky.  Miso soup often contains bonito  (fish) flakes or
stock.  Fish sauce is a key ingredient, also in Thai
restaurants, they don't always realize that the fish sauce
needs to be left out of "vegetarian" dishes.  Chinese often
think "chicken water' is okay, particularly if it is run by
Chinese people and the language is a problem.  Just a word
of caution.
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