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Sandwich maker

Hello friends,

I'm way behind on digests (only 71 unread ones to go!), but I'd like to put
in a question.

I've just bought a sandwich maker, to make grilled cheese sandwiches for my
almost-4-year-old. It requires some kind of fat on the outside of the bread
to keep it from sticking. I don't mind spraying some Pam on his bread, he
can use the calories, but I'd like to use the machine for myself sometimes,

Any suggestions for something I can use instead of fat? Thanks!

Be well, Hadass

Dr. Hadass Eviatar (XX)				mailto:eviatar@xxxxxxxxxx
National Research Council of Canada		Phone: (204) 984 - 4542
Institute for Biodiagnostics			Fax:   (204) 984 - 7036
435 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 1Y6
  -- Shun evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it -- Psalm 34