ONE: I recently read something (I thought here) about canola oil. The
message portrayed canola as a very EVIL thing. Has anyone seen this
information? I'd like to pass it on to a friend.
TWO: I never know where others are posting from so I wanted to share some
inside information with you all: I live in the San Francisco bay area and we
have an online community called craigslist here. It is a great resource for
many things; for sale items and FYI type stuff, etc. Many of the people that
use this list are transplanted from all over the US. It may prove useful to
post messages on craigslist "community" section about veg rest./stores. So,
next time you are looking for advice about a restaurant somewhere try
posting a message on . I am in no way affiliated
w/ craigslist. I use it often as a personal resource, and I love it! Good
THREE: I never post recipes but I love reading everyone else's. THANKS! I
hope to actually use one soon.
Danyel Bailey