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Quinoa Entree from Restaurant in San Francisco

QUINOA WITH ROASTED VEGGIES-  (Pronounced, keen-woo-ah} the woo-ah is done
quickly so that it sounds like keen-wah.

1- Pieces of the following veggies are roasted separately on short wooden
skewers: carrots, white onion, sweet potato, white potato, mushroom and

2- The quinoa is cooked (see Lorna Sass's directions posted by Susan Voisin

3- Vegetable stock and basalmic vinegar maybe 50/50 are rendered down til
somewhat thickened.

Presentation: The quinoa is mounded in the middle of a plate and the short
skewers are placed over the quinoa to form a tepee i.e. Indian tepee. The
thickened basalmic sauce having been placed over the quinoa before the tepee
is created.  Note- The best way I've ever had Quinoa.