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applesauce measurements

There have been posts in the past about yogurt cheese. I know that you
put the yogurt in a strainer.  But does someone have more details than
that for the cooking impaired.  Also, do you use it as spread just like
cream cheese, or is it more like cottage cheese? What do you use it
for?  I thought the whole idea sounded terribly interesting.
Also, how do you use apple sauce in baking?  Do you do a 1 for 1 switch
with the oil, or does it have to do with the eggs? Please be detailed,
because I am really cooking impaired, and I have never baked with apple
sauce before.

Thanks in advance.
Rhonda Pitka


In my cookbook it says that you can use the same amount of applesauce as
the recipe calls for oil.  You can do this up to 1c.  If the recipe
calls for more oil/margarine than that I don't know, maybe someone else
can help.

1/2 c oil  = 1/2 c applesauce

Also, the applesauce should be sugar free and plain.  In a tight spot I
have used  applesauce that did contain sugar and it worked ok.

Hope this helped.