I am looking for a replacement for one of my previous favorites, Jell-O. I
know Emes has one, but no place around here carries it...not even Trader
Joes (although I may make a request next time I'm in). Does anyone know
where I can buy it, or another brand (if there is another brand) online? Or,
does anyone have a way to make a reasonable sub out of, say, tapioca flour
(provided I can find that)?
Right now I use Junket Danish Dessert which is made with tapioca starch.
There are only two flavors carried here, and it isn't really like jello, but
more like a fruit pudding. I usually pop some frozen strawberries or
raspberries into the bottom of 4 little cups/bowls, and when thickened pour
the Junket on top. It's really good, but still not quite what I'm looking
for. This is more of a dessert than an accompaniment to a meal.