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RE: Eggplant

For those of you that do enjoy the battered and "deep fried" style of
eggplant, I made some on my GF grill and it was great. I sliced it thin, and
then dipped it in egg white and breadcrumbs and cooked it on the grill. We
ate some hot with a horseradish dressing and saved the rest for a layer in
veggie sandwiches. 

		Can anyone tell me if the smaller (I think they are
oriental) eggplants 
		taste different than the big purple ones I see in the
stores?  I tried 
		eggplant as a child and didn't care for the taste, of course
my mother made 
		it battered and deep-fried and that may have been the cause
too.  I see 
		lots of recipes on here for it and figure it can't be all
bad if everyone 
		is eating it.  I would appreciate any input.