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Re: fat free cheeses?

: You might want to consider using lowfat products in moderation. Sit down
: actually calculate the amount of fat you are adding to your pizza in this
: way, and adjust the amounts you eat accordingly. You may be pleasantly
: surprised.
: I generally prefer to use small amounts of the real thing, as opposed to
: large quantities of ersatz. Especially since the missing fat is often, in
: many products, compensated by large amounts of salt and/or sugar ...
: Be well, Hadass in Winnipeg

these are wonderful suggestions hadass, thank you, i try and avoid doing any
counting of fat grams, but i might be better off doing that in some
instances as i see now!

i'm also going to try and make a pizza with no cheese, just some wonderful
vegetables and lots of mushrooms, which have a similar 'feel' to cheese and
very rich flavor.

and yes, the amount of sugar and salt in the ff products i see is truly
