Another name for cilantro/coriander is chinese parsley. The three terms
are interchangeable and may refer to either plant or seed.
From time to time on this list, people ignore the guideline and request
nutritional information. For those who need or want to check on
nutritional composition and have about 1.5 MB available on the computer (or
are willing to download to floppy disks) Siesta Software has a nifty
freeware program. The program is much more efficient than the online USDA
(United States Department of Agriculture) process--just scroll quickly
through the list of 6,075 items, enter the serving size, and get data on 33
nutritional components plus a pie chart showing calorie percentages of
carbs, fats, and proteins.
The downside is the presence of a couple of button links to Siesta's Heart
Smart shareware, a small price to pay for such convenience. One button
remains at the bottom of the screen (and blinks "quietly"); the other is on
the following documentation that pops up whenever the program is loaded,
but can be closed with one click:
This program is FREEWARE distributed by Henning Associates. The
data for this program was obtained from the FNIC website and is taken
from Release 13 of the USDA Nutrient Database for Standard
Reference, Abbreviated. This program may be freely distributed as an
entire package including the USDA documentation.
"The use of trade, firm, or corporation names in this database is for
information and convenience of the user. Such use does not constitute
an official endorsement or approval by the USDA Agricultural Research
Service of any product or service to the exclusion of other that may be
Siesta Software from --
Henning Associates
PO Box 3884
Charlottesville, VA 22903-0884
phone/fax - 804-817-0554