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Fw: FATFREE Digest V01 #298

I have lined a pie tin with a large flour tortilla, for a quiche, not
fatfree but much lower than a traditional shortening and flour crust.

For pumpkin I would think a ginger snap crumb crust would be tasty.  For the
pecan, hey, that pie is so rich, I would go ahead the do it the traditional
way or not at all

> Ruth, you'll find several pie crust recipes on the fatfree website:
> http://www.fatfree.com/recipes/pies/
> (I suspect they don't taste real wonderful... after all, it's the
> shortening that really makes the flour go soft and puffy, isn't it?  So
> without shortening, you can pretty much forget about soft and puffy.  I
> have sometimes lined a pie pan with cooked white rice, which holds the
> contents and doesn't give rise to false expectations :-)
>                  Muriel
> >From: Ruth Huber <RuthH@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >Subject: Pie crust
> >
> >   Does anyone have a fat free pie crust receipe that I can use for
> >and pecan pie?  Thanks in advance.  Ruth
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> --------------------------------
> End of FATFREE Digest V01 Issue #298
> ************************************