Almond Tapioca Pudding (sugar & dairy free)
Ingredients 3 Tablespoons tapioca (fine grain) 2 Cups unsweetened soy milk
3/4 Cup Da Vinci Gourmet Almond Sugar Free Syrup
<product_list.php?subcategory=4&> 3 to 6 single serve packs of Splenda
sweetener 1/4 Cup second nature egg (or 1 real egg) Directions: Place all
ingredients in a saucepan and let sit for five minutes, stirring
occasionally. Place on medium head and bring to a full boil while constantly
stirring. Remove from heat. Allow to cool. Tapioca will thicken as it cools.
This recipe can be used with your favorite Da Vinci Gourmet Sugar Free
Syrup. Yield 4 servings
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You have only failed when you have failed to try.
'What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine,
you become.'
You are what you choose today, not what you've chosen before.