Hello Fat Free List,
I apologize for this off topic post, but I need to start somewhere. A
good friend has just found that he has advanced prostate cancer (that is
there a better than 80% chance the cancer is now in his blood stream).
He is being treated with hormones which hinder his testosterone
production which in turn, hopefully, will impede the advance of the
cancer into his bones.
His doctor also suggested (mildly) that avoiding saturated fats and
taking selenium might also help. A lay person suggested a macro biotic
Is there anyone on this list who might have knowledge of this or know
some reliable resources for information? A general web search hasn't
helped so far and has produced lots of commercial product plugs of which
I'm leery.
Directing e-mail to me off list is OK.
Again, I'm sorry for the off topic post. Any help much appreciated.
Thank you all.
(Black Bird)
Friday, April 05, 2002 at 14:39:22 (-0800 UTC)