> Hey, Jan,<br />
> Thanks for sending us your dinner ideas. I was wondering if you could be
a little more specific about the peach salsa and what you did with it and
the tempeh? Thanks.
Well, okay, I was browsing the salsa selections at the supermarket, basic
mainstream market, and saw several brands offering a peach salsa. I bought
one at random, it is a tomato salsa with the addition of peaches, a bit
sweet but not "sweet", not even sweet and sour, just a hint.
I sliced the tempeh in half horizontally to make thinner pieces, then cut
them into quarters, se we had 4 "steaks" out of the one 8 ounce piece.
I put a few tablespoons of the salsa in the bottom of a glass baking dish,
placed the tempeh on top, and covered them with a thin coating of salas, not
too thin but wsas not swimming in the stuff. I left it so sit a couple
hours, then baked it at probably 350 degrees farenheit for porbably 30 - 45
I do this with BBQ sauce often, just wanted a change.