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RE: tofu cheese

Thanks (:


-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Wagener [mailto:susan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 5:20 PM
To: Candace Selph; fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: roodle@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: tofu cheese

Yes it does come in American flavor too.

Here is a link I found about it.  There is a link on this page where you

can order it on-line.


Hope this helps!


At 09:34 PM 5/6/2002 -0500, Candace Selph wrote:

>Is that the brand?  Veggie Slices?  Do any of them make an American
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Susan Wagener [mailto:susan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 7:28 PM
>To: fatfree@xxxxxxxxxxx
>Cc: roodle@xxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: tofu cheese
>Can anyone tell me anything about tofu cheese?
>We love the Veggie Slices made with Organic Tofu.  They come in
>flavor, Pepper Jack flavor and Cheddar Flavor.  They are made by Galaxy
>They have 1 gram of monounsaturated fat (the good kind) and .5 grams of

>Polyunsat. fat.  That leaves only .5 grams of fat unaccounted for.
>list Saturated fat as 0 grams.  Each slice contains 4 grams of protein.
>They say it is low fat, lactose free and cholesterol free.  Nature's 
>alternative to cheese.  They also say on the package that "no animal
>are used in this product".
>We make grilled tofu veggie sandwiches.  In fact, my husband didn't
>it wasn't a grilled cheese until I told him!
>They also make the same thing in grated form.  I sprinkle that on
>and no one can tell that it is not real cheese.
>Nashville, IN