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sharons-spinach-beans recipe

Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 23:51:25 EST
From: RubyTues59 (RubyTues59@aol.com)

Sharon's Fast Spinach and Beans

One onion, chopped
1 or 2 garlic cloves, minced
2T lemon juice
4T water
2t dill
1t basil
1t oregano
1/2t pepper
bunch of cleaned leaf spinach (or a defrosted 10 oz. pkg)
small can of white beans (I used the small white beans, Sharon used
pasta or rice or your favorite grain for two

Saute the onion and garlic until it smells wonderful and then add the lemon
juice and water.  Stir in the seasonings and then the spinach.  Stir until it
wilts or is thoroughly blended.  Serve alone or over whatever carbohydrate you

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