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pumpkin-bread recipe

Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 04:54:00 -0800
From: Kathleen (schuller@ix.netcom.com)

I made this yesterday and I was very pleased with it.  It makes a nice
dough that is easy to knead.  I didn't add all the flour at once as
the recipe recommends, which seemed a little foolish.  The directions
call for oiling the rising bowl and the bread pan: you may prefer to
use a quick shot of spray instead.  Kathleen
                     *  Exported from  MasterCook  *

                              Pumpkin Bread

Recipe By     : Vegetarian Times, October, 1996
Serving Size  : 12   Preparation Time :0:00
Categories    : Breads                           Vegetables

  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/4  ounce         active dry yeast (1 package)
     1/2  cup           warm water (110 degrees)
   1      teaspoon      salt
   2      teaspoons     caraway seed
   2      tablespoons   molasses (not blackstrap)
   1      cup           fresh or canned pumpkin puree
   3      cups          all-purpose flour
                        Additional flour for kneading

"This delicious yeast-risen pumpkin bread is a welcome alternative to the
sweet, rich, quick pumpkin breads so often served with coffee and tea. It
makes fine sandwiches and fabulous toast."

In large bowl mix yeast and water, stirring to combine and dissolve. Add
salt, caraway seed, and molasses, stirring to mix.  Add pumpkin puree,
stirring to mix.   Add flour all at once.  Stir with large, sturdy spoon
until all flour is incorporated and dough leaves sides of bowl.  Turn out
onto floured surface.  Knead until dough is smooth and satiny, about 5 to 8

Lightly oil bowl.    Return dough to bowl.  Cover with clean, damp tea
towel.  Set in warm place (85 degrees)  to rise.  Let rise until doubled,
about 1 hour.  Punch down, shape into loaf.  Place in lightly oiled bread
pan, 9" x 5".  Cover with clean, damp tea towel. Let rise until doubled and
indentation made with thumb remains.

Bake in preheated 400 degree oven until browned on top and bottom sounds
hollow when tapped, about 35 minutes.  Remove from pan. Let cool on wire
rack.  Makes 1 loaf.

Variations:   Substitute 2 tablespoons brown sugar for molasses, and 1/2
cups raisins for caraway seed.  Add 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon to liquid
ingredients.  Substitute whole wheat or rye flour for 1/3 of the white
flour in original recipe.

To make pumpkin-cinnamon loaf, when dough is punched down, instead of
shaping it into a loaf, stretch the dough into a rectangular shape.
Sprinkle the dough with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon, then roll dough up
from short side to form a loaf.  Place in loaf pan and proceed with recipe.

Per slice: 130 cal.; 4g Prot.; 0.4g Total Fat (0.1g Sat. Fat); 28g Carb.; 0
Chol.; 180mg Sod.; 2g Fiber, Vegan

kwvegan vegan